Application of Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin

Food to add

Studies of bioactive substances in plant foods have shown that increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables is closely related to the decline of cardiovascular diseases, cancer and other diseases. Chlorophyll is one of the natural biological active substances, metal porphyrin as chlorophyll derivatives, is one of the most unique natural pigments, has a wide range of uses. Method of use:

Dilute with purified water to the desired concentration and then use. Used for drinks, cans, ice cream, biscuits, cheese, pickles, colouring soup, etc., the maximum usage is 4 g/kg.

Textiles with

With the strengthening of people’s awareness of environmental protection and the increasing attention to health, the negative effects of synthetic dyes used in textile dyeing on human health and ecological environment have attracted more and more attention. The use of pollution-free green natural dyes for textile dyeing has become the research direction of many scholars. There are few natural dyes that can dye green, and copper sodium chlorophyllin is a food-grade green pigment.

Cosmetics use

Can be added to cosmetics as a dye. Copper sodium chlorophyllin is dark green powder, odorless or slightly smelly. The aqueous solution is a transparent emerald green, which deepens with increasing concentration. It has good light resistance, heat resistance and stability. In view of its stability and low toxicity, sodium copper chlorophyll salt is widely used in the cosmetic industry.

Medical applications

It has a bright future in the field of medical applications because it has no toxic side effects. A paste made of sodium copper chlorophyllin salts can accelerate wound healing when treating wounds. It has been used as an air freshener in daily life and clinical practice, especially in the field of anti-cancer and anti-tumor. Some reports have summarized various data of the effects of sodium copper chlorophyll on human body in the form of detailed anti-tumor curves. The direct or indirect mechanisms of its anti-tumor effects mainly include the following aspects: (1) complexation with planar aromatic carcinogens; (2) to inhibit the activity of carcinogens; (3) Degradation of carcinogenic substances; (4) Free radical scavenging, antioxidant effect. The study is considering adding it to cigarette filters to remove free radicals from the smoke, thus reducing harm to the human body.

Post time: Oct-11-2022